But for this, you’ll need the powerful Photo Recovery tool which can scan your Android phone and restore all your data after a factory reset. So, if you intentionally or unintentionally do a factory reset on your phone then there are still very high possibilities to retrieve deleted photos on Android after factory reset. The pictures and other files are still there but in a hidden manner. The fact is that whenever you erase data from your phone or do a factory reset, the files saved on your mobile phone never get permanently wiped out. Yes, absolutely the data can be easily recovered after a factory reset. What Does A Factory Reset Do on Android? Can Data Be Recovered After A Factory Reset? How To Retrieve Deleted Photos On Android After Factory Reset with software? # 3: Recover Photos After Factory Reset By Google.#2: Recover Deleted Photos On Android After Factory Reset By Google Photos.

#1: Restore Pictures After Factory Reset Android Via Local Backup.